Mobility Func = Movement and Functional pain relief in 1 class.
Most people are walking around with pain, injuries and ailments... FACT!
Instead of more exercise - what if there was a way to feel better, move better and treat yourself?
People are already tired, burnt out and fatigued from work, school and gym - we don't need to do more exercise, we need to restore and heal before doing more.
We need better quality movement and the skills to learn how to sit, stand, squat, run, and remove pain without medication or surgery.
I'm literally starting a movement and it's starting right here in Gladstone. It's called Mobility Func!
If you are lacking confidence with your body, if you have pain in your feet, knees, hips, back, shoulders and even neck, then come to my Mobility Func! class to fix yourself (under my guidance).
It's like getting FREE Physio... but with your friends! It's simple, fun and you don't need to bring anything except a pilates mat.
Bring a friend, its FREE for everyone. Stay for a drink or breakfast with the family afterwards @Lightbox.
There are so many reasons to get out this weekend... let's start it together this Saturday 6am @Lightbox in the courtyard.