Thursday, 31 January 2019

Simple Tips of Foot Pain

“Your feet will bring you to where your heart is” said Karen Marie Moning.

Our feet is our driver, our brain tells them where to go and they will take us there. They carry us around every day and when you overdo it they will start to hurt. And we do not think about our feet until we start to feel the pain.

A common type of foot pain is the heel pain also known as plantar fasciitis. It goes away quick if you know what to do, but you may also consider learning how to prevent it in the future. Plantar fasciitis is an irritation or inflammation of the band of tissue in the sole of your feet connecting the heel bones thus leads to heel pain. If this happens, rest your foot, massage your foot including your heel, cold packs or warm foot bath and visit your physio.

Stretching your feet will help it reduce the pain fast. You can also use shoe inserts to relieve the pressure on the ball of your foot. Or try rolling out a frozen water bottle on your heel and stretch your calf muscles.

To get the proper treatment you have to know why it is hurting. Know the source of your foot pain. Is this common to you or it just started? Know what changes you made in your routine that could cause your foot pain. Jumping, standing or walking too much can also be the stressors. Changing or adding more intensity to your exercises could be the reason why your heel is hurting.

Too much or excess weight can put so much pressure on your feet which causes strain on muscles, ligaments and joints. Excess weight on your foot caused by pregnancy can hurt your feet as well as the pregnancy hormones causes ligaments that stabilizes your feet to relax.

Shoes or other footwear may also cause foot pain. A big or too roomy is bad for your feet, overworking your muscles as you move around. Too tight is also bad as it compresses the muscles and ligaments of your feet. Overtime you also need to change shoes because as we grow older some develops bunion or hammertoes which means you need a wider shoes. Shoes that doesn't have proper support and cushions can make your feet tired and sore.

You also need to know which part of the foot/feet hurts. Aside from heel pain, feet arches, ball, toes or ankles are other areas of the foot that pain is common.

Do you know one of the best ways to fix foot pain, is with a pet stick. Have you got one? Check out how to use a pet stick at

It is ALWAYS best to visit your physio to know more about your foot pain and what is the best way to get rid of it. Some would do exercises on their own and end up hurting it more. The physios know what is the proper exercise for each type of pain.

Did you know the Physiotherapy appointments at Gladstone include treatments include massage, dry needling (acupuncture), chinese-cupping therapy, hyperbaric chamber, functional movement, strapping tape, foot pain relief, posture analysis, headache treatment, back pain relief, neck pain relief, shoulder pain relief, knee pain relief.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Ways To Get Rid of Neck Pain

 A stiff neck can be painful and uncomfortable especially when moving the neck or when trying to turn your head to the side. Neck pain even makes sleeping uncomfortable. A stiff neck is sometimes accompanied by a headache or shoulder pain. It can interfere with your daily activities and can remain painful for a long time if not managed properly.

Most of us are staring into computers or smart phones these days and looking down at an uncomfortable angle which is the common cause of strain to our neck muscles and other soft tissues of the neck. Staring down at your gadgets or computers all day tire the muscles around the neck joints and become overstretched. Other causes may include but not limited to; poor posture, stress, osteoarthritis, neck or spinal injury, clenched jaw, sleeping position and repetitive neck motion.

You can prevent stiff neck by changing your lifestyle like regular exercise, good posture, stop smoking and making sure you take time to stretch while in the office.


Here are some tips that can help you prevent or get rid of neck pain:

  • See a physio. Your physio will be able to assess your condition and can give you treatment as well as exercise plan to help you eliminate the pain and heal faster.
  • Rest. Enough but not too much. Enough rest to make the stiffness heal is needed but too much rest can weaken the muscles of your neck.
  • Stay hydrated. It prevents further degeneration of your discs between the vertebrae in your spine as it requires water to maintain disc height and spinal alignment and to take pressure off the spine.
  • Avoid long using of gadgets and computer. In the office make sure to rest and stretch.
  • Heat pads and cold packs helps relieve stiff neck. Some uses cold packs for the first 24 - 48hrs to reduce inflammation however others also prefers hot pads.
  • Gentle stretching. This helps the stiffness and recover fast. Ask your physio about proper exercises that you can do to reduce pain and restore the neck strength.
  • Maintain good posture - Slouching can worsen the existing neck pain especially if you sit for long periods. Bad posture can strain your neck and back  then it adds up little by little. When in an office, make a reminder for yourself to stand up and stretch a little from time to time. Being aware of posture throughout the day can keep the spine naturally aligned and minimize stress on the neck.

Physiotherapy is great for not only neck pain relief but also treatments that include massage, dry needling (acupuncture), chinese cupping therapy, hyperbaric chamber, functional movement, strapping taping for foot pain relief, posture analysis, headache treatment, back pain relief, shoulder pain relief, knee pain relief.

There are many other ways to reduce or eliminate neck pain. If you have questions or if you need help for yourself or for someone you care about, call your physio.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Tips To Relieve Back Pain

Do you have or do you know someone who has/had back Pain? Maybe we can help.

Back pain is common to all. Yes! Even children experiences back pain, it could be from poor posture, no enough physical activity and many more. For most people, it is triggered by strenuous activity like weight lifting, gardening or even improper bending down to pick up something on the floor. Others think it will never go away, some think opioids is the answer. The best way to eliminate or reduce back pain is to see a physio. Yes, go to your physio even without a doctor’s referral. Have yourself evaluated, get diagnosed and let your physio help you get better.


There are different types of back pain, and here are the common ones;

  • Injuries
  • Back sprain
  • Back strain
  • Disc degeneration
  • Scoliosis
  • Arthritis
  • Herniated disc
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal stenosis etc.


There are many ways to relieve a back pain however, it is still best to visit a physio so he/she can make a treatment plan and exercises specific or customized to your needs or type of back pain. Below are examples or tips to eliminate or reduce it;

  • Enough quality sleep - sleep deprivation or disturbances can increase your back pain and inflammation. Some sleep disturbances is caused by the type of mattress or pillows an individual uses and their sleeping position. Invest in a good mattress and pillows for a better sleep. Some people would experiment to find their best sleeping position like putting a pillow under their body to help maintain its natural curve. For back sleepers, try putting the pillow under both knees; for stomach sleepers, try under your pelvis. If you sleep on your side, sleeping with a pillow between the knees may help. HOWEVER, you have to limit your bed rests. Studies show people who rest too much feel more pain and have a harder time with daily tasks than those who stay active.
  • Keep moving or exercising - Too much rest can worsen your back pain. Physical activity is often the best treatment for back pain. Strengthening and stretching the muscles may reduce or eliminate many types of back pain. Exercises like walking but avoid strenuous activity that can worsen it or that puts you in that state. Or better to ask your physio what exercises is best for you.

  • Maintain good posture - Slouching can cause back pain or can worsen the existing back pain especially if you sit for long periods. Bad posture can strain your back and then it adds up little by little. When in an office, make a reminder for yourself to stand up and stretch a little from time to time. And again, GOOD POSTURE.
  • Avoid using opioids - if you take opioids, you will not feel the pain thus it makes you think it’s not there anymore. A good treatment plan and exercise is the key.
  • Do you know how to sumo sit? Or infinity frog? What about cat/cow or even cobra and child pose? Check out how to do these
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight pulls your back hence the back pain.
  • Quit smoking - a study shows that people who smokes experiences back pain more than those who don't.
  • Apply heat pads and cold packs.

Did you know the Physiotherapy appointments at Gladstone include treatments include massage, dry needling (acupuncture), chinese cupping therapy, hyperbaric chamber, functional movement, ground up therapy, strapping tape, foot pain relief, posture analysis, headache treatment, back pain relief, neck pain relief, shoulder pain relief, knee pain relief.

If you have questions or if you need help for yourself or for someone you care about, book with PhysioCall Gladstone today.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Reasons to see a Physical Therapist

by: Spectrum Physical Therapy

Back Pain

Affecting four out of five people at some time in their lives, back pain (often referred to as Lumbago) is the most common complaint treated by orthopedic physical therapists. In most cases, back pain is caused by over-straining the structural components in the back. Most cases, although painful, are not serious if seen to promptly and usually respond very well to physical therapy treatment.


This refers to irritation of the sciatic nerve that supplies nerve conduction to the leg. However it is often used to describe any pain in the leg, whatever the cause, whether it is related to circulation, pain referred from a back injury, trauma or nerve irritation. The most common causes of sciatica can usually be successfully treated by our staff.

Headaches and Neck Pain

Headaches and neck pain can be caused by cervical and shoulder tension caused by stress, poor posture, arthritis, inactivity, trauma, or by activities such as sitting at a computer all day. Patients normally respond well to orthopedic physical therapy treatment.

Joint / Muscle Pain

Physical therapists can treat joint and muscle strains in any part of the body including the hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet, wrist, elbows, shoulders, arms and ribs, for example knee injuries, frozen shoulder, ankle sprains, etc…

Sports Injuries

Physical therapy treatment can benefit sports players at all levels. If you are eager to get back to your sport quickly after injury, or have a problem which is preventing you from performing at your best, physical therapy can help you reach your peak level of fitness.

Repetitive Strain Injury / Tendonitis

This condition is commonly associated with people who work with computer keyboards and mice, and manual workers for prolonged periods of time. These are injuries such as lateral epicondylitis ‘tennis elbow’, golfer’s elbow, shoulder tendonitis,’shin splints’, etc… Physical therapy treatment can benefit these conditions, particularly when treated early.


Responsible for a great change in posture, pregnancy can cause back pain and discomfort. Many women find that gentle osteopathic treatment can bring great relief. We are experienced at treating mothers for a whole range of symptoms from low back pain, deconditioned state of fitness, poor posture, and pelvic floor disorders. We use gentle and specific structural (massage, mobilization, and cranial techniques. We also offer advice on exercise and healthcare issues. If you prefer to discuss this further don’t hesitate to call.

Post Surgery

Outpatient physical therapy can help patients, particularly those whose movement has been affected by surgery in order to regain their pre surgery mobility and life style. Surgeries include total joint replacements, meniscus and ACL reconstruction, rotator cuff repairs, subacromial decompressions, distal clavicle excisions, vertebral discectomies, fusions, disc replacements, and open reductions from fractures, etc… 


Normal wear and tear of the joint surface can result in arthritis or osteoarthritis. This kind of damage is not to be confused with some cases of arthritis that are caused by a disease affecting the joint surface. Osteoarthritis is a normal process associated with ageing. Usually the symptoms do not start until much later in life, if at all, and normally lead to some restriction in movement of the joints, plus some muscular aches and pains often referred to as rheumatism. Osteopathic treatment cannot reverse the wear and tear of the joint surface, but in most cases, osteopaths can offer treatment to improve function of other areas and structures, give advice on other factors, such as diet, exercises and lifestyle, which may help with long term relief from the symptoms associated with arthritis.

Neurological injuries (Stroke – MS) / Balance Deficits

Neurological injuries could occur after trauma to the body or head. An infarct or aneurysm to a blood vessel in the brain can lead to stroke. The residual loss of motor function can be a lot to deal with for the patient and their families. At Spectrum we provide manual therapy to restore lost motion, neuromuscular re-education to area of motor loss, gait training, balance training, therapeutic exercises, and education for the patient and their families.


Treatment is non-invasive and aimed at improving mobility and/or reducing inflammation by using gentle osteopathic techniques on joints, muscles, and ligaments. Physical therapy treatment in many cases will allow the patient to avoid surgery. We use our hands to palpate the soft tissues, increase joint mobility, and improve range in hypomobile joints. This may involve stretching tissues and tendons or using articulatory movements and sometimes manipulation to the joints. Manipulation is only short lever technique, not long lever technique, which is used by other professions. We like to explain what we are trying to achieve and the approach we intend best suited to you. There is no standard treatment plan or blocks of sessions. Some patients require one or two sessions with an exercise program, while others may need a longer duration of up to a three month period. Follow ups are sometimes recommended if a causal factor is unavoidable. e.g. workplace environment or lifestyle. 
We believe in working with conventional medicine to achieve the best results for our patients. If necessary you may be referred to a specialist or your GP for a second opinion. Other tests may also be necessary such as X-Rays, MRIs, or CT scans. A letter will always be sent to a referring physician, giving an explanation of what we have found, what we think is the problem, what we intend to treat and how long we anticipate the treatment to last.



Monday, 21 January 2019

Top 4 Benefits of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps everyone no matter what age. Children, adults, people with medical conditions and injuries that limits them to move and function. It can also manage age-related issues and even pregnant mothers are able to benefit from physiotherapy.

A physiotherapist can create a plan for each patient to help them achieve their goal. It also gives them more freedom to do things that require physical activities and improve not just their physical but also their overall health and prevent them from having further injury. Physiotherapy is a conservative approach to managing mobility problems so patients are being referred for therapy in the early symptoms of problem. There are many benefits of physiotherapy and below are the top benefits;


  • Eliminate/reduce pain - physios use different types of treatment or procedures to help their patient in managing pain and discomfort. A plan can include therapeutic exercises, manual therapy techniques, dry needling, taping, massage, chinese cupping massage, physiotherapy techniques, program like ground up therapy, even using a hyperbaric chamber can help relieve patients pain and restore muscle and joint function and prevent pain from coming back. Some other treatments include functional movement, foot pain relief, posture analysis, headache treatment, back pain relief, neck pain relief, shoulder pain relief, knee pain relief.

  • Avoid Surgery - an individual may not need a surgery anymore if the therapy is able to eliminate pain or heal the patient’s injury or medical condition. Doctors also suggest for patients to have pre-surgery and post-surgery physiotherapy. The therapy helps a patient to recover fast and helps them to be physically stronger than those who did not have any therapy. If you are able to avoid surgery, you are also able to save a lot of money.

  • Improve mobility - no matter how old you are, if you are having problem standing, walking, sitting or moving physical therapy can help you. Physios can create a treatment plan and exercises to help you rebuild your strength and be able to move freely. By creating and customizing an individual care plan, whatever activity that is important to an individual’s life can be practised and adapted to ensure maximal performance and safety. Physios can also properly fit individuals with a cane, crutches or any assistive devices, or assess for an orthotic prescription.
  • Prevent injuries  - A physio understands that an athlete is at high risk of having different types of injuries like fractures, sprain/strain, etc., so they can design a treatment plan suitable for you. If you had an injury whether it's from sports or accidents, your physio can create a treatment plan to help you to recover properly and give you exercise to prevent future injuries and be able to return to your sport in no time. Using a program like ground therapy which is only available at Gladstone, can help you develop movement and function, that will allow you to return to exercise.


If you have questions or you need help for yourself or for someone you care about, book with PhysioCall Gladstone today.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Can I give you $20 or maybe more?

Our business is a WOM business and it relies on 3 things:

       1. PhysioCall team treating YOU at the highest level
2. Great results and YOU actually feeling better
                           3. Referrals from YOU that use our services
Can I give you $20 to help one or many of your friends, family, co-workers?
If you are someone who has appreciated my physio and massage services before and you'd like to let someone else know about me. I'm willing to give your friend, work colleague, family member a
FREE 20 minute physio treatment (assessment, hands on, cups, dry needles, strapping, whatever they need) help them with their pain or problem.
For any person that refers a friend, work colleague or family member to come in for a FREE 20 minute treatment and receives their treatment before the end of FEBRUARY and tells me you sent them...
I will put $20 on your PhysioCall account for you to redeem on our services before the end of 2019.
 Just to recap --> call and let someone you know that they can get 1 x free 20 minute physio treatment. That person must be NEW to physiocall (meaning they have never been here before). They must book and attend before the end of February and they must tell us YOU sent them. If you do all that, we will put $20 credit onto your account. 

Sounds like a good deal right?
We do too. You can refer as many people as you like but they have to be 16yrs old or older and they must be NEW to PhysioCall.
Thanks for everyone's support and for sharing our services. I really look forward to meeting and treating your family, work colleague and family.

Forward them this email, call them or send them a text to let know to book their FREE 20 minute treatment and I will put $20 on your account.